
Showing posts from June, 2019

3 Reasons Why You Should Be Shifting to Client Portals

A modern RIA client portal is a secured website which allows your clients to access financial management tools and services, including but not limited to: their personal financial information, updates regarding their financial accounts, and their client information as it pertains to your work as their RIA. Client portals can also be used to share data with other professionals who are performing a service for the client, including attorneys and personal accountants. If you aren’t yet taking advantage of client portals, take a look at these 3 reasons why you should be making the shift to an RIA client portal as soon as possible. &nbsp #1: Client portals streamline client services in an easy-to-read location &nbsp Modern clients expect to be able to access their financial information and available services with the utmost convenience, and shifting to an RIA client portal is the best way to fulfill that expectation. Clients will be able to see overviews of their finances...